Early estimates for the 2005 Australian vintage point to a record tonnage of 1.97 million tonnes, adding further to supply pressures, including whites for the first time.
According to Lawrie Stanford, information and analysis manager at the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation, the vintage would probably have broken the two million tonne barrier if it wasn't for an estimated 2% of grapes (40,000 tonnes) being left on the vine due to the oversupply situation.
Generally, quality is said to be high, with a growing season characterised by mild, steady temperatures' and a lack of prolonged heat spikes'.
Standford reported that aromatic whites like Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling will be the stand-out varieties from this season.'
He added: The 2005 crush is expected to add to the supply pressures already existing in the sector. Moreover, while red wine has been the major contributor to oversupply for the past few seasons, white wine is expected to come back into balance or marginal oversupply.'