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The week that was: top news, Q&As and opinion on

Published:  30 September, 2016

In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, we have put together a review of the top online news, Q&As, and opinion stories.

Most Read: The chasm between distastrous weather in Champagne and the favourable conditions in English wine-growing regions continued to grow this week, with Chapel Down celebrating some of its best ever results. Meanwhile, we got the low down on London Cocktail Week coming to the captial throughout the first week of October.


Supermarkets: Aldi hit the headlines three times this week, as it continues to take market share from the Big Four. Sainsbury's in particular has felt the brunt of the discounters recently. There was good news for the drinks sector, as reports show that alcohol has helped to buoy the grocery market. 

Big Business: There were some major shake-ups in the industry this week, with Tequila leaders Jose Cuervo filing for its first IPO, and shareholders at SAB Miller and AB InBev giving the green light to the "biggest takeover in UK history". Spirits makers William Grant & Sons reported record profits.

Analysis and Insights: New data suggests that restauateurs and on-trade buyers who still inist on favouring premium reds over whites are missing out, and we delved into the age of craft beer

Opinion & Q&As:
