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The Week That Was: Top news, Q&As and analysis on

Published:  01 July, 2016

In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, we have done a review of the top online news, financial news for the drinks trade, Q&As, and opinion stories.


The biggest news of the week has been the result of the referendum vote for Britain to withdraw from the European Union.  While things are still as confusing as ever on what this might mean, people within the wine trade have reacted. Catch up on where people stood and what it might mean for the trade.

EU Referendum: Turmoil as Britain's vote to leave Europe greets a stunned UK drinks trade

Brexit: A good day for English wine? 

"Keep calm and carry on," says Hatch Mansfield MD

Brexit: What's in store for Scotch whisky?

Italy soldiering on post-Brexit

Brexit: S&P strips Britain of top AAA rating


While discounters continue to steal market share away from the 'Big Four' grocery retailers, the Grocery Adjudicator annual conference was held this week. See what news made the headlines in the retailer sector:

Lidl and Aldi hit record high as top four lose market share

Supermarket ombudsman launches formal consultation into payments for better positioning

Brands continue to drive growth in German discounters and at premium level

Second quarter of growth for Tesco

Other news:

Denis O'Flynn, the managing director of Pernod Ricard UK, announced his departure this week and more traditional logistic suppliers are investing to create branches of the business solely dedicated to the movement of beverages and specifically wine.

Pernod Ricard UK MD announces departure

Traditional logistics suppliers see opportunities in serving the wine trade
