Up to 200 wineries will be heading to Amsterdam next month for the sixth annual World Bulk Wine Exhibition.
Place for business at World Bulk Wine ExhibitionBuyers from over 70 countries will be at the expanded World Bulk Wine show
Up to 200 wineries will be heading to Amsterdam next month for the sixth annual World Bulk Wine Exhibition.
The event has been expanded by a quarter this year to 6,000 square metres to cope with the increased interest in bulk wine around the world, with some 6,000 people from over 70 countries expected to attend the two day event which is being held between November 24 and 25.
Whilst the traditional bulk wine producing countries like France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Chile and South Africa make up the bulk of exhibitors this year's event has also attracted wineries from as far afield as Uruguay, Macedonia, Malaysia, Austria and Moldova.
The World Bulk Wine Exhibition not only provides a commercial platform for buyers to confirm contracts from bulk wine producers and brokers for the coming months and year, it also includes a wide ranging business conference.
Speakers lined up for the 2014 event include Subhash Arora, president of the Indian Wine Academy, Werner Engelbrecht, managing director of ConeTech in South Africa, or Jean Marie Aurand, general director of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV).
There will be specific sessions on bulk wine opportunities in emerging major markets like China and India, but also across Eastern Europe in countries such as Hungary and Moldova.
This year' event will also include a dedicated area, The Vine, looking at viticulture developments and opportunities in the future.
Leading perfomers within bulk wine will also be celebrated as part of the International Bulk Wine Competition 2014 organised by the exhibition alongside the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (O.I.V.) and of the International Union of Enologists with the winners announced at the show.
For more information go to http://www.worldbulkwine.com/ing/inicio.php