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Discounters are most "disruptive" force in retailing in 20 years say grocery and drinks chiefs

Published:  09 October, 2014

A poll of top-level food, drink and grocery executives at this week's IGD Convention reveals the rise of the discounters is the most "disruptive" influence on the grocery sector in the last 20 years.


A poll of top-level food, drink and grocery executives at this week's IGD Convention reveals the rise of the discounters is the most "disruptive" influence on the grocery sector in the last 20 years.

The survey is particularly revealing of the current mood amongst the country's largest grocery retailers and their food and drink supplilers as it was taken live at this week's annual IGD Convention in London.

The delegates were asked througout the conference for their immediate responses to a series of key business issues. Noticeably a third said the current year of trading has been "much tougher" than expected despite the apparent economic recovery. 

Another two thirds of delegates were quick to recognise they have a lot more to do to improve multi-channel retailing, with four in 10 executives bemoaning the slow pace of consumer spending.

Looking ahead to new technologies -  such as robotics, wearables and 3D printing - three quarters of delegates see them as a major opportunity.

Check out our infographic to get the full low-down.  
