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Telegraph Media Group reveals new subscription in partnership with Enotria&Coe

Published:  26 October, 2022

Telegraph Media Group, the proprietor of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph, has launched a new website in partnership with Enotria&Coe, offering its members exclusive wines.


Majestic declares itself fighting fit for tough market ahead

Published:  14 June, 2018

Majestic Wine’s full year results to 2 April 2018 reported group sales up 2.3%, driven by underlying sales growth of 11% at Naked Wines, in line with the company’s forecasts.


Majestic Wine ‘past tipping point’ as £1.5m loss offset by rising footfall and sales

Published:  15 June, 2017

Majestic Wine’s full-year reported profit before tax has revealed a loss of £1.5 million, set against a 15.8% rise in sales and 12% growth in the company’s customer base to 825,000 active customers.