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Minister dashes hopes of VAT cut extension

Published:  27 January, 2021

A treasury minister has said there are “no current plans” to further extend the reduction in VAT for hospitality businesses despite estimates that rising rates could directly and permanently impact the sector and lead to the loss of up to 310,000 jobs.


WSTA and SMEs call on Chancellor for further support in budget

Published:  21 January, 2021

Many of the UK’s best known wine and spirit SMEs have written a joint letter to Chancellor Rishi Sunak urging him to cut duty while extended the hospitality’s VAT cut to provide further relief for those struggling with the pandemic.


WSTA launches low & no alcohol labelling guide

Published:  13 January, 2021

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has produced new guidance around the labelling of low & no alcohol drinks as a record number of Brits explore the category. 


Beale: ‘OIV membership is only half of the picture’

Published:  07 January, 2021

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has welcomed the UK government’s decisions to re-join the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) as a member, but also said that OIV membership was “only half the picture”. 


UK 2020 Timeline

Published:  15 December, 2020

From the first indications that a novel coronavirus brewing in the east had reared its ugly head in the west, 2020 fast played out as the year when Covid-19 turned the trade upside down. On-trade restrictions and closures, pivoting of businesses, innovation in every shape and form, plus the super-charging of ecommerce and an amazing collective response by individuals, companies and trade bodies alike all became the ‘new norm’. As a year most of us wish to see the back of stumbles to a close, the Harpers team rounds up some of the most significant events of 2020.


WSTA membership climbs as it releases Brexit checklist

Published:  10 December, 2020

A record number of wine and spirit businesses have joined the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) this year following a recruitment drive bolstered by concerns over Covid and Brexit.


Brexit: Independence Day?

Published:  09 December, 2020

With the end of the Brexit transition now hurtling down the track, many indies may not be aware of quite how much post-1 January changes could affect their businesses, as Andrew Catchpole reports.


Crucial final weeks will seal Brexit fate

Published:  03 December, 2020

The WSTA is sticking to its ‘hope for the best, prepare for the worst’ approach to Brexit as we hurtle towards the 1 January deadline with no deal in sight. Jo Gilbert speaks to chief executive Miles Beale about what we can expect at the eleventh hour.


‘Huge confusion’ over what Brexit means for bulk

Published:  03 December, 2020

There is mounting concern over the lack of clarity around the introduction of VI-1 forms for bulk shippers, despite the end of the transition period being just weeks away.


Trade bodies call for revamp of alcohol duty system

Published:  01 December, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) and the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) have called on the government to “revamp and simplify” the system of alcohol duty in order to boost businesses and deliver on the government’s public health initiatives.


Research highlights supply chain plight

Published:  01 December, 2020

Covid has caused supply chain difficulties for more than nine in 10 hospitality businesses since they reopened in July, according to new CGA and Prestige Purchasing research released today.  


Lockdown will end in Tiers (2 and 3 for most of England)

Published:  26 November, 2020

The end of lockdown will bring little relief for England’s hospitality sector, which is returning to the rule of alcohol “only to be served with substantial meals” or stricter for most of the country.


WSTA webinar to offer indies “essential” advice on 1 January trading preparations

Published:  26 November, 2020

Fine wine and independent merchants are being invited to attend a free ‘Essential Preparations for 1 January Trading’ webinar hosted by the Wine & Spirit Association (WSTA) on 2 December.


Miles Beale: Trade deal will be within the week or not at all

Published:  25 November, 2020

Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) chief executive Miles Beale has said that the UK is likely to get ‘something or nothing’ in terms of a trade deal over the coming week, while insisting that a ‘deal is still better than no deal at all’.


Return to tougher Tier system brings limited cheer for hospitality

Published:  24 November, 2020

The news yesterday (23 November) that England will return to a three-tier system post lockdown has highlighted the ongoing struggle faced by pubs, bars and restaurants.


Beale: 'The threat of VI-1 forms is still very real’

Published:  28 October, 2020

The WSTA has warned that the threat of VI-1 forms is still "very real", saying that the policy, not just the timing, still needs to change.


WSTA crowns rum the drink of lockdown

Published:  26 October, 2020

The WSTA has crowned rum the "drink of lockdown" with the spirit enjoying the biggest growth across all spirits during the period, according to new WSTA data. 


Beale: ‘Supply chain must be eligible for cash grants’

Published:  26 October, 2020

The WSTA has urged the government to clarify that the cash grants promised as a support measure for the hospitality sector applies to the supply chain too. 


WSTA reiterates concerns for “overlooked” supply chain

Published:  13 October, 2020

The Wine & Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has reiterated its concerns for businesses that supply the hospitality sector. 


UK spirits exports face huge strain

Published:  13 October, 2020

The UK’s burgeoning spirits industry has taken a hit, with exports significantly down in the first half of 2020.